Friday, May 7, 2010

Tamara's Friday 5/7

WOD with class at Tamalpais CrossFit: 8 reps of 70# front squats, then 100 m dash. Do it 5 times. That was a fun workout. We got to rest a few minutes in between rounds, which gives you time to recover and run fast again. It feels good to sprint flat out as fast as you can, which is something we rarely do in CrossFit, because usually it's just a grinding-it-out thing where you're slogging through and just trying not to cry or keel over.

After class, practiced ring dips (almost got one), muscle-up form, handstand push-ups (can almost do a handstand with feet off the wall); pull-ups. And did 5 sets of 3 shoulder presses, at 60#, 62#, 65#, 65#, 70#.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Actually, the front squats were 75#.

I get to go to CrossFit class for the first time with Clarke tomorrow morning. No girl was ever happier!!!