Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Looking like I'm out of this

Confluence of several things at once -- seeing the the rigors of the race for sure; lack of posts; my previously-expressed reservations about whether people have enough time for the significant training commitment necessary -- is leading me to pull out.

The reality is that there is no way four or five of us (whatever ended up being the case, depending upon Sept. 11 scheduling conflicts that will inevitably develop for at least someone) operating at this level of training/commitment will be able to complete the run in the 9 hour cut-off time. If only four of us: that would mean two people would have to do FIVE LEGS, with two other people doing FOUR LEGS. No way people are running their last two rounds in the requisite time.

I'd rather make the choice to bow out now rather than doing running training all summer at the expense of other training I'm doing -- and be disappointed at the end.

If -- a huge, gigantic, enormous "if" -- people could convince me of their commitment by working out and posting their workouts four times a week for a month, I would consider continuing.

But let's get real: everyone is too busy to do that.

But that is what it would take to do this relay, people.

And I am more than a little cranky that, as the mom, it has apparently fallen to me -- still, at this old age -- to say, "This is not going to work." Really, it is fine that it will not work . . . other things are more important, and that is okay. But let's get real.

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