Friday, May 7, 2010

I Need New Shoes

It may be on my to do list today to go get better running shoes. I've been talking about this with CBH lately.

Since I've been running on trails and not on treadmills, my feet have been KILLING me, so bad now that it has spread up to my legs :(

Today I had planned on running Pine Top backwards twice in a row without stopping (I'm feeling better, I do think the crap feeling yesterday was a result of mowing the lawn the day before and the allergies having a delayed reaction). Halfway through I had to stop because my legs were cramping so bad I had to stretch. It was not fun. And at the end they hurt really bad again, so I didn't make it twice :( (once took me 19 minutes, including the stop).

I have been trying to think that shoes don't really matter and you can run in anything. There is that tribe in Mexico that will run like 100 miles in a row in BAREFEET so I was trying to think like that. I may have to succumb to technology however. Every body is different, and as we know by me getting knee surgery when I was 20, I have the body of a 60-year-old already.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I just talked to you on the phone about all of this, so I won't repeat it here . . . but know that folks are looking out for you, and supporting.