Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chris and Meryl's No Good Very Bad Run

We couldn't run at Mills this morning because it's their graduation ceremony today (Nancy Pelosi is their commencement speaker, WAY better than our lame lady). So we ran at Joaquin Miller park and TRIED to find a good trail on a map. The one we ran sucked and was pretty dangerous (LOTS of rocks, and jumping over fallen logs). I was too pissed to keep running after we finished the loop (a little less than 1.5 miles). Chris ran for another 5-10 minutes.

Better luck Monday.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Kudos to you for trying a new trail. Sometimes, it's disastrous. Other times, you discover a new favorite. Impossible to know before hand. Good job running in the parking lot, Christopher. And, glad your lungs are feeling up to it.