Thursday, May 13, 2010

CBH Wednesday

After the usual Crossfit warm-up (hard), we did the hardest work-out I've done to date:

12 Kettle bell swings(I used 35 lbs.)
6 Box Jumps (20 inch box)
3 burpees

We did these for 30 minutes. The theory was to try to do them on the minute, but soon you can only do them on the 2 minutes or 3 minutes. It is a killer. I did 13. But I did everyone of them correctly and never used a lower box or weight. Lots of people who got tired would go from Box Jumps to Step ups(hard, but not as hard). That means I did 156 Kettle bell swings, 78 box jumps and 13 burpees in 30 minutes.

1 comment:

meryl rose said...

that makes me want to throw up