Thursday, April 1, 2010

A workout that made me cry

After yeserday's walking lunges, my ass is beyond sore. Of course, today's workout involved the ass. Thus, the tears in the last round of box jumps. Oh well. It's done.

300 meter row
30 wall balls (throw a medicine ball up to a 10' target on the wall. I used 14# ball for 60 of them, and a 10# ball for the other 30 . . . otherwise, I would still be at the gym)
30 kettle bell swings, 35#
30 box jumps, 20" box
30 sit-ups

Do that shit for 3 rounds.
Took 31 minutes.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

(I am commenting about myself.)

After that post, I took an ice bath. Ass and quads required it. It works. This morning, I feel amazingly un-wrecked.

And also (more advice from Mom) be freakishly zealous about stretching. If you don't want to do it after the workout, try it later on in the day. It works, too.

We gotta think of the long haul.

Take care of your bodies.