Thursday, April 29, 2010

Silliest workout ever

On Interstate 5, south of Mt. Shasta. Yes, that is correct: actually ON I-5.

Driving home from Whidbey last night, Clarke and I got stuck in a huge traffic back-up. (A big rig dumped its load of lumber and blocked the road for hours.)

Twice, we were stopped completely in a gigantic line of cars -- with engines off, people getting out of their cars, etc.

After taking Gracie out to walk around and pee, it got really boring.

Then I remembered: Never fear! CrossFit is here! And I have my yoga mat!

In the space between my car and Clarke's rental huge Jeep, I did four rounds of 10 push-ups and 10 squats. Then, traffic began moving. Then, we were stopped again. So I hopped out and did six more rounds of each, and finished with 100 hollow-rocks (sort of sit-up like).

The completely obnoxious subtextual message of this post? Aside from illness/injury, there's really no good excuse for not working out.

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