Thursday, September 23, 2010

Trip pics #1

There are two more posts below, with more pics . . . .

Welcome to The House of Bliss,

where orchids grow inside the crooks of tree branches,

and sunsets out the back windows are spectacular.

Spectacular in a different way:  the "Clothes Pit" in the back of the Volkswagon Routan, during the race (wavering focus indicates photo taken while sitting on the back floor, while being driven on the Road to Hana):

Clarke comes in for the last 50 yards, on the ballfield in beautiful downtown Hana.

Trip Pics

Here are some photos of lots of Maui activities . . . .

Adam gets ready to lift at CrossFit Maui.

Hollips-to-Hana team members pose happily on the way back home, after completing the race.

Meryl celebrates with a cannonball.

Erik, Meryl and Chris wait to be seated at the post-race dinner at Mama's Fish House.

Post-race, post-dinner, photo post.

Race and trip pics

Here, mostly in reverse order, are some photos of the race and the days leading up to it.

Meryl hands off to Clarke in Hana -- as he begins to run the 18th leg . . . .

Chris comes in for his hand-off to Tamara -- for either the 7th to 8th leg, or 15th to 16th leg?

Clarke hands off to Erik, as Erik begins leg #2 . . . at around 6:30 a.m. 

Clarke finishes leg #1 in super-speedy fashion.

Clarke starts us off -- way, way back at the airport, at 6:15 a.m.

Breakfast at The House of Bliss.  With one of the many naked lady paintings.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hana Relay

This was truly one of my greatest lifetime events. Thanks to everyone for working hard to get ready and doing such a great job in the relay. We kicked ass. Mom had suggested we do this several years ago and she and MRP made it happen. Our time was as low we thought it could ever be: 7:19. Amazing. Hopefully Erik's knee will recover quickly. I am definitely feeling it today, but I am glad we did it and certainly would do Hana or similar again.

Friday, September 3, 2010


I ran 4 miles because it was over 90 and I wanted to see what it was like. Thursday is usually a rest day. I will also run today, probably 5, Crossfit Sat. a.m. and then our Sunday run.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

Meryl: 10 hill sprints. 29-32 seconds each.

Chris: few laps around the track, his foot was hurting so he stopped. Did some hill lunges (lunging while going down a steep hill).

Orthodics appointment today for Chris, then off to dad's to spend 4 1/2 hours installing baseboards and running cable throughout the house.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meryl & Chris Tuesday

Ran around Lake Merritt. Chris: 27:07, Meryl: 27:11. Pretty good for 3.1 miles. Walked around Lakeshore to get food after. Quite a pleasant evening activity.

Will run again tomorrow morning.

Tough Times

Everyone should be sore and tired and sick of running. We leave in a week. We only have a few more training runs left. If we worked hard, we should be drained. That is ok. Now is the time to pay even more attention to stretching, balance and stride. Make sure you feet are in good shape. Shave callouses.

This morning I went to Crossfit at 7 and did 5 rounds of the following:

12 Deadlifts at 165lb
24 walls balls-14lb
12 pushups

5 rounds of that will wake you up.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Typical weekend workouts. Friday a 5 mile run, Sat. Crossfit (a challenging 17 minute workout called Fight Gone Bad.-it involved 5 moves(row, wall balls(20lb), Sumo deadlight high pulls(75lbs), box jumps and push press 75 lbs. You do each move for 1 minute and at the end you rest for one minute. It does 3 rounds. You could your total reps. Sunday Mom and I went for a 4.5 mile lake run. I have decided to change next weekends run. Two 4.5 milers is probably more miles than necessary. I now want to do three runs around the small lake with 15-20 minutes rests. This will be more like the relay, will test our recovery and fast two miles will be a challenge.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Friday

Ran around Lake Merritt - 3.1 miles, 28 even. Pretty good pace.

Meryl: 15 miles this week.

Get Ready

In preparation for the trip and run I want everyone to think about what you need for race day. We will get food/drinks once we are there. Everyone should have a small sports bag for their running gear. I recommend the following:

A pair of socks for each leg you run. Do not run in new socks.
Two pairs of shoes if you have them.
A change of shirt for each leg. And, wash the new shirt/shorts MRP gets for you. New clothes that are not washed tend to rub.

Take care of your feet. Trim your toenails. Something might not hurt on mile 1 or 2, but will show up on mile 6 or 7.

Think about food and what works for you. We won't be able to stop for lunch. You need food that gives you good energy, that is easy to digest and won't upset your stomach. This is not the time to try anything new. If you want to use 5 hour energy, Monster, or something like that, make sure you have tried it a couple of times. Same goes for energy gel, etc. I tried some on my last half-marathon during the race and it was a big mistake. Think about small baggies of food that you can eat every 1-2 hours. It should include some protein, which can be a challenge. Jerky is good if your stomach can handle it. Dried fruit and nuts are fine. Even a PB&J sandwich would work. Bananas, oranges, etc. all are good. Coke, fries and a Big Mac not so much.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Another Crossfit day, nothing unusual. I am planning on easy five mile runs today and tomorrow, with a hard run(6 miles) on Sunday. Remember that next Sunday (9/5) we are supposed to do our last hard run-two 4 mile+ lake runs with a little rest in between.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Shirts Are MADE!!!!

Thanks everyone for getting your size and style to me QUICK!

This is what the front looks like (for Chris and CBH's shirts)

And this is what the back looks like (Erik's as example)


Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

Got back from our run this morning. Was going to run last night, but it was too hot and I didn't want us to die.

Meryl: 2 Pine Top loops (4 miles). First loop: 18:38, final time, 16:50 (I did better on the second loop!)

Chris: ran the first Pine Top loop with me at the same time, then he did a smaller Pine Top loop - 3.5 miles. He cooled down then did a lap around the track.

76 degrees (according to Yahoo). Not too bad. Again, running in the heat isn't TERRIBLE (although this is cooler than Hana will be), but I HATE afterwards when I am hot and tired and I want to "cool off," but can't because it's hot.


Yesterday at Crossfit I completed my first RX workout for men. This is big, for me anyway. Every workout includes certain weights or methods that are considered the most difficult. They are the prescribed(RX) move for the specific workout. Each workout has an RX for men and one for women. Only the best people in the class, and sometimes no one, will do the workout RX. Last week, I did my first complete workout using the RX weights for women. When I first started, I would usually do 60-70% of the RX weight for women and that would be 40% or so of the men's RX. I can now do most of the weight moves at the women's RX number, so I am up to 70-80% of the men's. Yesterday happened to involve a workout with box jumps and medicine ball cleans. The RX for men was 24" box jumps and 20lb. ball. I did it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


95 degrees, 5 miles.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Meryl's Monday

Chris and I will have to work around his Monday and Wednesday schedule until Hana - he has classes both nights and is gone from the house at 7:15 and doesn't come home till (I think) after 9pm. We may run twice on certain weekend days. We shall see.

Anyway, I just got back from a TERRIBLE run: 4 miles (a little plus because I did 2 laps around the track in between 2 Pine Top laps) - 39:02. YUCKOLA! It wasn't so much the heat (although it was 88 when I started and now apparently 83 - according to Yahoo), but my legs hurt and the air quality SUCKED. My throat hurt as I was running and I was coughing the whole time. Not fun at all :( The only thing that wasn't so great about the heat was when I was done there was no "cooling" off, but during the run it really wasn't too awful.

Another run tomorrow night.


Mom convinced me to take Sunday off. No I will start the week with fresh legs.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I may be overdoing it. This is my second week of working out 6 days/week. Yesterday I did a 6 mioe speed work at Drake High. 3 miles, 2 miles, 1 mile-total time 46 minutes. This morning at Crossfit, I had zero gas. We did a 400 meter run carrying a 20lb med ball. The 21-15-9 of thrusters and burpees. I used 50lbs for the thrusters and barely made it. Then, of course, we ended with another 400 m run with the 20lb. ball. I am toast. I will run tomorrow and then get back on a 5 and 2 schedule until we leave.

Meryl and Chris' Saturday

Just got back from a run.

I didn't run too well :( 2 laps around Pine Top (4 miles): 38:35, horrible pace.

Chris ran all around Mills while I was doing my Pine Top run.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I did a quick 4-mile run last night before going to a play. Today Mom is going to Crossfit(this morning) and I will do speed work this afternoon.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Crossfit as usual, but with lots of running and movement.

800 m run
30 walls balls-throwing a 14lb ball 10' up
30 dumb-bell cleans(I used 30lbs in each hand)
400 m run
20 wall balls
20 cleans
100 m run
It took me about 17 minutes and I was dying. I am really good at wall balls, and I was the best runner in the class. Mom was about 1 and a half minutes behind. I may or may not run today depending upon timing. Friday and Sunday are running days for sure.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Just a normal Crossfit day with lots of overhead squats. I hate them because I can't squat real well with the shoulder flex you need. Anyway, another Corssfit tonight. Legs feel fine. I will run Thursday and Friday.

Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

Quick run because I need to be at work at the A's at 10.

Chris ran around and did different stuff.

I ran Pine Top as hard as I could (legs a bit sore still, but not too bad). 2 miles - 16:55

Monday, August 16, 2010

Great Weekend

Congratulations to everyone for a great 10K run Sunday a.m. Everyone is clearly on track. Work on speed and being able to run 5 miles with no difficulty. Two runs a day(3 miles each) actually works better for what we are going to do. Everyone's last really hard run should be Sunday, Sept. 5. We can discuss what it might be.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Thursday

What a surprise, Meryl had a bad run. I've been doing this for almost a year and I consistently have bad runs. Feel like shit.


Standard Crossfit workout Wed. night, including deadlifts to determine our 1 rep max. I did 250 lbs. Mom did a 2-hour workout, so she did not try to improve her deadlift PR. Thursday will be a rest day. I intend to run Friday and will probably do a 6 miler at the lakes. The 10K Sunday will be totally flat and the surfaces will be asphalt and hard dirt, with maybe a little sidewalk. The only challenge should be the distance. I would like to see everyone try to go out with a very comfortable pace and then try to speed it up after the half way mark. This race is two of your Hana legs with no rest, but also no hills and no heat.

Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

We ran yesterday very quickly before we left to work on dad and Wendy's house. We didn't want to run very much because we've got the big run on Sunday and because we'd be working on d&w's house all day. I did 2 miles hard (although it was only 17:57, a little disappointing). Chris just ran around the whole time, not on any trail, but up hills, around the track, etc. Will run again this evening.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Of course, Mom and I spent our anniversary at Crossfit last night. Just the usual.

7-Hand Stand push ups(hardly anyone in the gym can do those, so you put you feet on a 20 inch box, hands on the floor, bend torso and lower your head to the floor then push up.

14 knees to elbows- Hands on a pull up bar, body hanging, lift your knees up until they touch your elbows-yea, it is hard.

21 push-jerks(bar at shoulder then bend knees and push bar overhead, then lock knees and elbos) 75 lbs

3 rounds of that.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Monday

We did speed work:

1 mile (trail): 8:28. Jog 1/4 mile

1 mile (trail): 8:08. Jog 1/4 mile

5 hill sprints: 26-31 seconds

2 laps around the track.

Time to take my stinky ass to the shower. Then throw up.

Sunday Speed

We had a great Sunday speed run. I did 5 miles(.25,.50,1.0,.50,.25-twice) My total time was 35 minutes, so about 7:00 minute mile pace. Mom did 2.5 miles at a 7:30 pace-she went too fast, but it shows she can probably run 3 miles at 8:30 pace. Keep moving. Only 30 days, and the last 5-6 will be easy. The Sunday before the race should be the last hard/long day.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

CBH Weekend

Friday was a nice 6.5 mile figure 8 around the two lakes. Saturday was the big Fran Challenge at Cross-fit. This is one of Crossfits named challenges for time. It is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups. So 21 thrusters, 21 pull-ups, etc. Thrusters involve picking the bar up from the ground, putting it on your front shoulders and then squatting, standing and push pressing the bar overhead. Once it is on your shoulders you can do the move without putting the bar back on the ground-unless you run out of steam. Mom broke her PR by 2 minutes. I had never done it. I used 65 lbs-which it ok, but RX for women is 65 and for men 95. I can do 3 at 95, but I could never finish the whole thing. Today-Sunday-us a speed work day.

Meryl & Chris' Last Few Days

We've been bad runners the last few days, however, we have been working out - just in house related ways.

I've been swinging the pick axe in the backyard for an hour or two during the week, trying to break up really hard dirt in the backyard and move it around to even things out.

Yesterday we went to dad and Wendy's new house to rip out a fireplace. We were going to run this morning, but we are very tired and Chris' friends (John and Emily with baby Jane) are coming over sometime later in the morning. As a result we'll run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (normally we run on 2 week days).

Here was our foe yesterday

and all the bricks we saved (173)

We had a pretty good system down of Chris breaking it all up and me hauling the debris to the truck and the salvaged bricks to the backyard. After hours working on that and then taking the garbage load to the dump, our backs are SORE (well, I think mine more than Chris, DAMN HIM!)

It'll be a mud and tape day in the bathroom today.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Normal Crossfit workout with lots of thrusters. That is picking the bar from the floor, putting it on your front shoulders(tucked under our chin) then squatting and then exploding up and throwing it over head. The timing and grip are tough. Friday I plan on doing a longer run, 6-7 miles, with speed work on Sunday.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

Just got back from a run.

Chris: 3 miles, 26:14-24 (can't remember if he told me :14 or :24). Pretty fast.

Meryl: 5 miles, 46:25. I was very dissapointed with my run. The 3.5-4.5 mile I sucked the big one. I was hoping to clock in at 9, but that's like 9:17. Damnit.


Exciting news. With the exception of Erik's air from LA, all tickets to Maui have been purschased. The car, the house, everything is ready. Are your legs? Less than 40 days to go.

Yesterday's Crossfit was a bitch. The warm-up was hard enough, including several minutes of jump rope, several 200 meter runs, walking lunges. The the work-out.

9 front squats-I used 75 lbs, Mom did 85lbs(bar bell on your front shoulders, squat so your butt goes below your knees, back up to stand).

9 box jumps(I did a 24" box, Mom a 20#)

9 Kettle Bell Swings(I used 44lbs, Mom did 35lbs-a kettle bell is a round weight with a handle. Hold on with both hands, feet and knees apart. You stand, holding the bell between your legs. You swing it up until your arms and hands are straight up over your head-yes the 44lbs bell is now right over your head-and then arc it back down between your legs)

You do this 9 rounds. Yep 81 of each. It took me over 25 minutes.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meryl & Chris' Last Few Days

Chris and I have taken a week off of running because of all the crazy Renegade stuff, but we'll both be back to running tomorrow (though I did just get back from a run myself)

Friday: we loaded the car for Renegade. Lots of heavy stuff.

Saturday: unloaded at Renegade and assembled the booth

Sunday: Chris worked on the house while I was at Renegade. I took down the booth and reloaded the car with mom and CBH help.

Monday: I WAS going to go on a run, but after unloading the car all by myself I thought twice. Chris hung wonderboard in the bathrooom.

Tuesday: just got back from a run that was a tad under 3 1/2. Ran it in 28:04 in 79 degree heat. Good practice.

Very tired.

Will go for a run together tomorrow morning.


Tough weekend of workouts. Friday I did speed work at the Drake High Track. 1/4, 1/2, 1 mile, 2 miles, 1 mile, 1/2, 1/4=5.5 miles, plus the 1/2 warm-up. I did the speed part in a little under 42. I am trying to focus on a 7:30/mile pace. Saturday was the usual Crossfit workout and Sunday morning Mom and I ran the 4+ mile lake run. Then a mini-crossfit workout disassembling MRP's sale stand and carrying shit, including the concrete piers, to the car. Monday was a nice rest.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday and Friday

Yesterday was a rest day and today is speed work. The plan, always easier than the work, is 1/4, 1/2, 1 mile, 2 mile, 1 mile, 1/2, 1/4.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wed. Crossfit

OK, no boring explanation of my grueling Crossfit workout. Just a quick summary that after the warm up, we did a 24 minute workout that included push-ups, squats, walking lunges, wall balls and kettle bell swings. Thursday will be a rest day, Friday and Sunday are run days and Sat. a Crossfit day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crossfit Tuesday

A standard Crossfit workout: 7 deadlifts(I did it at 175 lbs), 7 pull-up(I need a 1.5" band for help) and 7 burpees-7 rounds. This was the most weight I have ever used in a workout.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday Rest

and I needed it. Now I am ready to go.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lots of Runs

I was in OC this weekend, so I ran instead of any Crossfits. 3 miles Friday afternoon, 5 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Saturday

Chris: 3 smallest Pine Top loops (about 1.3 each) and 2 laps around the track, a bit over 4 miles.

Meryl: Pine Top backwards, 3 laps around the track, Pine Top forwards, 2 laps around the track, a bit over 5 miles in 46:14. 14 miles in 4 days, 17 in the week.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meryl's Thursday

Chris was going to run with me, but he had to wait for the AT&T guy (4pm-6pm) because we've been having internet problems.

I ran 2 small Pine Top loops (3 miles) in 27:04, but I did stop for about 10 seconds to adjust my pant leg, so I should have clocked in a bit below 27. Pretty good considering I ran 6 miles yesterday. I was proud of myself at least.

Wed. Crossfit

There are no easy days at Crossfit. No one cares what you did yesterday. They do try not to abuse the same muscle group two days in a row, but that is about it. So, yesterday:

Warm-up, then:

400 meter run
30 pull-ups
30 box jumps
30 Dumb bell presses
400 meter run
30 dumb bell presses
30 box jumps
30 pull ups
400 meter run

Like many other people in the group, I can't do that many pull-ups without help. In fact, I can only do one pull-up in a row. I can probably do 5 before my arms would fail. Mom can do many, many. So we use big rubber bands to help. I am down to a 1 inch band. Still, I can only do 10 at most without stopping a resting. The dumb bell presses are as hard as the weight used. But, the RX weight(the weight used by the best people in the gym for men was 50 lbs) Oh, that's 50 lbs in each hand. Only one guy in our group could do 50. The women's RX was 30. I saw one girl do 30. Mom and I did 25lbs in each hand. After 5-10, your arms are feeling it. Box jumps are the same. It is as hard as you want. RX for men, 30" boxes, 24" for women. We can do 24" jumps-at least 10, but not 60. That means standing in front of a 30" high box and jumping up on to it. Go ahead and try it. In our gym we have 12, 20 and 24 inch boxes. Mom and I use 20" boxes. This work-out took 30 minutes and you feel like you sprinted for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Last Few Days

Sunday: we did a HARD 3 mile run and both pushed each other. Did it in a bit over 26 minutes.

Tuesday: were planning on both running, but the elastic on my pants SUCKED and it constantly felt like my pants were about to fall off, so I had to stop. Chris did 1.5 miles in 12 minutes (FAST!), 3 hill sprints, then some running around the track.

Today (wed.): ran 6 miles, yay! Pine Top backwards, 3 laps around the track, Pine Top forwards, small Pine Top loop (probably a tad over 6 miles), in 57 something or other. The first 4.5 miles I was going pretty fast but I was TIRED the last 1.5 miles. Proud of getting up to 6 though.

Lazy 5

I considered a Crossfit, but then got lazy and ran the Two Bird 5 miler. Boring, but easy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday Rest

We went to the Carole King/James Taylor concert. No running/no Crossfit.

Monday, July 19, 2010


HOT,HOT in Carson at the Crossfit Games. And, we came home early. Friday a.m. before going to Day 1 Games we did our own Crossfit workout in the gym at the Marriott. Then on Sat. and Sun. we deadlifted about 25,000 lbs each for the Relay for Life as part of Crossfit Tamalpais' contribution. We closed Sunday with a tough 4.5 mile lake run in the 88 degree heat.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Meryl's Thursday

Well CBH, I did it.

I ran 4 Pine Top miles in 39:56. Slow, but I was also tired from Tuesday night and I knew I was going to do the hill too, so I didn't push too hard.

Rested for less than 5 minutes, then I did 10 hill runs! (run hard to top, walk down. After the first 5 I stopped at my water for about 10 seconds to take a sip, then I started back up). So it was pretty much nonstop.

When I did these on Tuesday night all 10 were between 28 sec and 33 sec (the first was 33 and I started slower at the very beginning). THIS time all 10 were between 30-34 with my fastest LAST! I was pretty proud of myself.

Now I am going to go collapse in the shower.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quick Run

I was in a big hurry yesterday because we were having dinner with Adam and Christine. So I could only run 4 miles-I did it as fast as I could.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Meryl & Chris Tuesday

Ran three laps around the track to warm up.

Then we did some running uphill. There's this long STEEP hill that's probably a bit over 100m and we'd run a bit slower than a sprint, but pretty much as hard as we could, and then walk down. As soon as we got to the bottom we ran up it again.

Meryl: 10 times

Chris: 7 times, and then some running around the track while I finished.

I wasn't super tired at the end, I had caught my breath each time by the time I got to the bottom, but nearly every time past 5 my legs felt like they were about to give out at the end, and now they feel like jelly.

Pretty good workout.

Monday, July 12, 2010

CBH Weekend

Friday, regular 5 mile run. Saturday, 1 hour Crossfit workout that included 4 rounds of this:

300 meter row, 12 push presses-75lbs, 12 box jumps-20 inch high, 12 kettle bell swings 44lbs, 200 meter run

Then an hour a doing pure presses.

Sunday, 5 miles as follows: 2 mile run at 15 minutes, 1 mile run at 7:35, 2 mile run at 16 minutes. Rest in between runs limited to 4 minutes.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Sunday

Meryl & Chris ran two small around Pine Top together. Chris REALLY pushed the pace the 2nd lap and I felt like I was going to die. Then, Chris did some laps around the field and some runs up the big hill while I ran a third baby Pine Top loop.

Meryl: 4.5 miles, 41:30 (16 miles this week)

Chris: 3 Pine Top miles, plus some laps around the track and sprints, so close to 4.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Thursday

We ran 2 of the smaller Pine Top loops together at 28:03.

Meryl: one more smaller Pine Top loop for a total of 4.5 miles at 42:16. I REALLY wanted to get that last 1.5 mile at 14 even, but I just couldn't do it. Man! 11.5 miles in 4 days.

Chris: 3 laps around the track. Some sprints back and forth across the soccer field. Between 3.5 and 4 miles total.

CBH Wed.

Wednesday was a normal Crossfit day, but a hellish workout. After the usual warm-ups, the work-out was:

10 Clean and Jerks(that the whole thing from bar on the floor to overhead) I used 85 lbs

25 pull-ups, 50 pushups, 75 squats

10 more clean and jerks

25 pullups, 50 pushups, 75 squats

10 more clean and jerks

It took most people between 22 and 29 minutes. That's 50 pullups, 100 pushups and 150 squats broken up by 10 clean and jerks with decently heavy weight.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Meryl's Tuesday

Ran 3 miles this morning around Pine Top. Forgot to time my first lap. My second lap was 13:35, so I'm assuming my first lap was a bit faster than that. So 3 miles in a little under 9 min per mile. Pretty good!

Tough Weekend for the Old Man

I am really sore this morning. Friday was a 5 mile run day. Saturday was a normal Crossfit workout. Sunday morning Mom and I ran the lake, 4+ miles at a pretty fast pace. Then Mom ran again Sunday afternoon another 2+ miles in the heat. Monday I went to another Crossfit and really worked hard. I am feeling the 4 days in a row. Today is a rest day for sure.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Monday

Much more successful.

Meryl: 2 Pine Top loops = 4 miles in 37:19. Yay!!!

Chris: two smaller Pine Top loops, 3 or 4 laps around the track, running length of Richards road, sprints across soccer field = about 3.75 miles (plus a bit more maybe).

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Saturday

Chris ran, I didn't. I gave up after about .25 of a mile. I was tired, my shins and feet hurt.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I did a normal Crossfit on Wednesday. Mostly the focus was arms. A workout with dumbells doing presses, cleans, snatch and squats. It was not the worst workout by a long shot. Thursday was a normal rest day. Today I will run 5 miles. I had my knees worked on this morning. Increased weight work is building my quads and hamstrings and my inflexibility shows in my knees. Stay running my friends.

Meryl's Friday

Because I'm already at 10 miles this week and tomorrow will be Chris and my's first every other Saturday 3-mile race, this morning I only ran 3 miles. I tried to run it as hard as I could.

3 miles: two small Pine Top loops, 26:41! That's shorter than a 9 minute mile! Yay! I was pretty proud of myself. I also felt like I was going to fall over.

This week: 13 miles. After tomorrow, 16 miles!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Wednesday

Just got back from our run.

Meryl: lap around Pine Top, lap around the track, and then two smaller laps around Pine Top (same distance as Sunday). Today I KILLED my last time: 5+ miles in 48:49, yay!

Chris: 2 smaller Pine Top loops, 4-5 laps around the track (can't remember what he said). 3.5+ miles, 33 minutes.

So far I'm at 10 miles this week

CBH Mon/Tues

Monday was a rest day. Tuesday I ran a hard 6+ miles at the lakes. It was hot enough to make you feel it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

E's Tuesday

The first session of summer school is winding down so the workload is picking up, hence my lack of posting. Today I squeezed in a short run and a decent workout (10 pull-ups, 60 push-ups, 3x12 20 pound curls, 20 dips and some sit-ups). now back to the grind. I have a couple of papers to write and a final to study for...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CBH Weekend

Friday was a reasonably hard flat 5 miler. Saturday was the usual tough Crossfit workout. Sunday was the toughest. First, it was hot. Second, I ran a 5 mile speed workout. 400 m, 800m, 1600m, 800 m, 400 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1600 m, 800 m, 400 . My goal was to do all the 400's in under 1:45, the 800's in 3:45 and the 1600's in 7:30's. The first round went great and I was under time on all. I slowed down on the second 2.5, but still kept the 800's under 4 and the 1600 under 8. I was able to hang tough on the 400's and did them all under 1:50. My legs were dead at the end.

Meryl's Sunday

Ran this morning, Chris will probably run sometime later today.

Lap around Pine Top, smaller lap around Pine Top, lap around the track, smaller lap around Pine Top. A little over 5 miles. Took me 51:04. A bit slower than I would have liked, but I ran 13/5 miles this week, so I think my legs are a bit tired.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Thursday

We ran last night.

Meryl: 1 lap Pine Top, two around the track, 1 lap Pine Top, 1 around the track. A little over 4 1/2 miles. I forgot to time myself.

Chris: 2 smaller Pine Top laps, the laps and sprints around the track. Probably 3 1/2 miles total.

We've decided to have a race about every two weeks against each other. That way there's always an exciting workout to look forward to. And this time I WILL BEAT CHRIS!

Thursday and Weekend

Thursday is now a usual rest day and I did. Today should be a hard run, Sat. Crossfit and Sunday a harder run. I am thinking speedwork on Sunday. Probably a .25,.5,1,.5,.25,.25,.5,1,.5,.25. That's 5 miles. Monday will also be a rest day. The Crossfit theory is not to work more than 3 days in a row.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crossfit Wed.

I did a fairly normal Crossfit yesterday, starting with jump rope warm-ups. Then we worked on the split jerk. This is part of the clean and jerk move. You start with the bar on a rack at shoulder level. You move the bar up and simultaneously drop your body under the bar, splitting your legs front and back. Your back knee almost touches the ground. The bar is overhead with straight arms and then you finish by moving your legs to a straight position still holding the bar overhead. We worked on that for 30 minutes increasing weight until failure. I had never done the move. It takes some coordination. I was able to get up to 115 pounds. Then the actual workout. Squat thrusters(45 lb bar) front squat then up raising the bar overhead. You do as many as possible in 20 seconds, rest ten seconds and repeat that 8 times. Then you do the same approach to "hollow rocks." You lay on your back with arms and legs/shoulders off the floor rocking back and forth. You tummy burns.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CBH Tuesday/Wed.

As promised, I did an easy 5 miler last night. My knees are a little stiff. I think it is more from Cross-fit than running, but I am sure it will pass. Keep running and stretching.

Meryl's early Wednesday

Was supposed to run yesterday but I had work at LHB from 8-4 and then work at the A's from 4:30-10, so obviously no run was fitting in there.

Then I was going to run tonight but was invited to a dinner for a for a friend's b-day so I got my ass up at 6 this morning and ran before I had to be at work at 8. DEDICATION! :)

I ran 2 laps around Pine Top - 4 miles. I won't tell you my time because it sucked donkey balls, but at least I did it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Blog!!!

I've decided to separate out my musical musings onto a new blogger site of my own. I've you want to hear what I'm listening to these days come check my stuff out at:

E's Tuesday

As the first summer session winds down I'm getting a bit more bogged down with work, but I rolled out for an evening run/work-out between papers. 1.5 mile opening run, 60 push-ups, 30x10 dips, 25 sit-ups, ten pull-ups and a 1 mile cool-down run. It is getting REALLY hot down in Southern California, so I may have to make the permanent switch to evening runs. We'll see...

Tuesday by CBH

It will be a good day to run today-something long and slow to stretch out from the Sunday race. I plan to run an easy 5 miles today and then Crossfit on Wed.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Skim Coat Ceiling Workout

My neck, arms and shoulders HURT, but I finished it!

Skim coat over the whole bathroom ceiling

Congratulations to Mom

Congratulations to TPH for winning an "art" contest for designing a festival poster that will be used in Whidbey for an upcoming event. Hopefully everyone will get to see the poster soon, as the festival committee will now use the art to create the main advertisement for the entire festival-in Whidbey in August. This, of course, is not as important as her excellent 5K run, but shows she has skills in other areas.

Meryl's Monday

Made it to the gym for a weight training workout for the first time in a week and a half or so. I've been getting annoyed at the gym I go to, so I'm trying to get over it and just concentrate on working out. But you know me :)

I did my usual routine:

15 minutes on the bike at 8-18 resistance.

22 minutes of circuit training (22 machines, 1 minute each, continuous exercise until bell chimes).

6 free weight exercises on bosu ball while balancing on one foot, 10 reps. Then switch and do same 6 exercises while balancing on other foot, 10 reps also.

30 squats while balancing on bosu ball.

10 minutes of stretching.

I'm planning on putting the 3rd coat of joint compound on the ceiling later this afternoon too, which will be QUITE a workout (Chris has done two already, although I helped a little bit on each of them).


Challenge #1 was successfully met by 4 of our team members. CBH, TPH, Meryl and Chris all ran well in the 5K race on Sunday. Everyone did better than their goal times. We need to build up our endurance so that a 10K is as easy as the 5K, then we can worry about speed. So keep increasing the miles, especially the long runs. Unless you are doing speed work(and you shouldn't be yet), don't run less than 3 miles and start pushing out to 5 mile runs. Great race.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday CBH

5 miles, good pace, but I am a little sore from Cross-fit. Rest day today, Cross-fit tomorrow a.m. See you for the 5K.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

BOOOOO Lakers!


Due to some miscommunication Chris got home a lot earlier than I thought he would and I had eaten (a VERY late) lunch around 2:45 - we started running at about 3:45.

For the first 1/2 mile I had HORRIBLE cramps, then I felt like I was going to throw up (really bad). So I only was about to do 1.25 miles, I know, VERY pathetic.

Chris did about 2 miles, and now he's off to go play basketball with his friend before we start watching the game, so he'll get some more running in.

EMH Thursday

Took the day off yesterday because I had a ton of homework and couldn't get out of the house. Today I finished class and went out for a quick 2 miler and some pull-ups at the workout station. Time to gear up for game 7 of the NBA finals. The whole city is a-buzz...

CBH Wednesday

After the usual warm-up that included several minutes of jump-rope, kettle bell swings, 1/4 mile run with push-ups, we worked on cleans (picking up the bar with weight in a motion that drops you into a squat position, then standing up). The work-out was 21-15-9 of cleans(75lbs) deadlifts(145lbs) and ring-dips. That means that you do each thing 21 times, then 15, then 9. Took me almost 18 minutes.

Hope everyone is excited about the 5K race on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sore, but happy legs

After enduring a series of ridiculous foot problems since moving down (multiple ripped up blisters on both feet and stepping on a nail) I've finally been able to get back-to-back running days in a row, and I feel great. Kephart has a sweet little park a few blocks from his apartment with a trail that is about a mile (and, in fact, they have a map showing the 1, 2 and 3 mile markers depending on how many laps you do)and I've had pretty good days out in the dirt and sand. Yesterday was a little 1.5 mile run and .75 mile cooldown walk followed by pullups, pushups and dips at this little workout station. Today was a 2 mile run and .75 mile cooldown in less time than yesterday's run, followed by some sit-ups and 20 pund curls. I'm hella sore, but feeling good and hoping to continue the streak tomorrow.

Monday, Monday

The cough is almost gone and I was able to run a 6-mile lakes loop Monday afternoon. Tuesday will be a rest day. The legs feel ok. Get ready for Sunday. We are not tapering for this run-this is a workout run-so train hard all week. The goal for Sunday is to run under 28 minutes or about 9+ minute mile pace. It will probably be hot even at 8 a.m. Try hard to run a smooth, consistent pace.

Meryl and Chris' Monday

We ran yesterday afternoon/evening.

Meryl: lap around Pine Top, two around the track, lap around Pine Top, two around the track - about 5 miles. Took me 47:38.

Chris: two smaller Pine Top loops (we're guessing they're between 1.25-1.5 miles) - so just under 3 miles. Took him just under 25:00, and his second lap was faster.

Monday, June 14, 2010

CBH Weekend

I had a good Crossfit workout Saturday that included lots of overhead presses and then windsprints to end the session. Sunday morning I got up and ran 5 miles before it got hot. Today I plan a 6.5 mile lakes run.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back on the Blog

Chris and I ran this morning.

I did 2 laps around Pine Top (4 miles) and it took me 41 minutes, BOOOOO!!! (I was really tired from my hard run on Wednesday).

Chris ran two smaller Pine Top loops and a lap around the track, so about 2 1/2 miles. Then he did lunges, etc. on the field until I was done with my run.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sick But Not Dead

I was able to make a Crossfit Thursday, barely. Normal workout, with overhead squats that I hate because I really can't do them correctly. Anyway, I am still coughing, but will survive. Get ready for next Sunday's run.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CBH Sick

I busted my tail this weekend. Two hard crossfit classes on Sat. morning that included lots of running. Then I ran 5 miles Sunday morning then got slammed with a cold. I am coughing and spitting, so I will probably rest until Thursday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've been busy, but still hard at work. I ran around the lake(4.5 miles) on 5/28, did a crossfit work out Sat. the 29th that was a killer-50 minutes of solid weights, jumping and rowing. Sunday I ran 4 miles. Monday I went to Cross-fit again and had another long bitch work-out. Tuesday was my argument at the Ca. Supreme Court and I was back at Cross-fit Wed. doing the normal warm-up and then three rounds of 400 meter row and 12 front squats with 95 lbs. Front squats are very tough. It is not like doing them on a weight machine that controls where the weight is going. Free weights are a very different problem. Get ready for our 5K on 6/20.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meryl's Tuesday

Normally I go to the gym on Fridays, but because we'll be gone over the weekend, I wanted to make sure I still got in my gym workout for the week.

I did my usual routine.

15 minutes on the bike at 8-18 resistance

22 minutes of circuit training (22 machines, 1 minute each, continuous exercise until bell chimes).

No free weight exercised on the bosu ball today because my arms are killing me from all the window scraping I've been doing on the garage doors.

30 squats while balancing on bosu ball.

10 minutes of stretching.

CBH Monday

I was able to do an easy 5 mile run with no aggravation of the sore hips/back. I hope to be ready for speed work by the weekend. Any interest in running on Sunday?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Meryl's Monday

Normally Chris and I run together on Monday nights, but he's got a job after work and he's coming home late, so I ran on my own (with the start of a new semester, I have a new schedule: Mon and Tues off).

I ran at Mills, 9 laps around the track (a bit over 2 miles). I sprinted the lengths and jogged the curves for all 9 laps and almost passed out at the end. I finished in 19:01, which is slower than I would have hoped, but towards the end my "jogs" were pretty slow because I was so tired.

CBH Work and Hurt

I over-did it at Crossfit, but hope not to stall my efforts. Friday was a 21-15-9 workout doing deadlifts and pushups. Deadlifts are just lifting a bar off the ground and standing up straight with the bar by your thighs. For the workout I used 135lbs. Unfortunately, on Saturday Crossfit in Napa we also did deadlifts-I worked up to 205 lbs. I did it, but that was a mistake. My lower back(hip flexors) are trashed and it is hard to stand-up straight. I intend to run today just to stretch out.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Meryl and Chris' Saturday

Ran Pine Top.

Chris: 1 lap, strength exercises, a bit of running after

Meryl: 2 laps

Friday, May 21, 2010

Meryl's Friday

Today was a gym day.

15 minutes on the bike at 8-18 resistance.

22 minutes of circuit training (22 machines, 1 minute each, continuous exercise until bell chimes).

6 free weight exercises on bosu ball while balancing on one foot, 10 reps. Then switch and do same 6 exercises while balancing on other foot, 10 reps also.

30 squats while balancing on bosu ball.

10 minutes of stretching.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Coach CBH

At this point I won't address the team configuration issue. I have studied the course legs. They average 2.9 miles, so a 5K is a perfect standard to consider as a base run. If we are serious about doing this, I want to propose the following:

1. Run hard and often
2. In late June we will enter a 5k race somewhere close and we should all be able to run it in under 28 minutes.
3. In late July we will enter a 10K race and all be able to run it in under 1 hour.

In most races, training gets you up to 80% of the expected distance. If we have 5 people, we need to train to get to 8 miles. If there are only 4 of us, we need to be able to run over 10 miles.

4. By the end of August-before we start to taper, we would plan a run that would be either 3 5k's, or 2 4-5 mile runs with an hour rest between each.

5. Training runs need to include serious hill work-both up and down hill. The hills need to be long-at least one mile of continuous up to get used to it. Also speed work. Given the average distances of the runs, 1/2 mile and mile speed runs are crucial. Everyone digest this and then we will talk about it and get some agreement.

I believe that with 5 runners we can finish between 7 and 8 hours. Under 8 would definitely be my goal.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chris and Meryl Wednesday

I forgot my watch, so I don't know how fast we did it in.

We ran Pine Top together once.

Chris then ran three laps around the track without stopping between to rest.

I ran Pine Top again, and another 2 laps around the track when I was done without stopping between to rest.

Meryl's total: 4 1/2 miles
Chris' total 2 1/2 miles

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Looking like I'm out of this

Confluence of several things at once -- seeing the the rigors of the race for sure; lack of posts; my previously-expressed reservations about whether people have enough time for the significant training commitment necessary -- is leading me to pull out.

The reality is that there is no way four or five of us (whatever ended up being the case, depending upon Sept. 11 scheduling conflicts that will inevitably develop for at least someone) operating at this level of training/commitment will be able to complete the run in the 9 hour cut-off time. If only four of us: that would mean two people would have to do FIVE LEGS, with two other people doing FOUR LEGS. No way people are running their last two rounds in the requisite time.

I'd rather make the choice to bow out now rather than doing running training all summer at the expense of other training I'm doing -- and be disappointed at the end.

If -- a huge, gigantic, enormous "if" -- people could convince me of their commitment by working out and posting their workouts four times a week for a month, I would consider continuing.

But let's get real: everyone is too busy to do that.

But that is what it would take to do this relay, people.

And I am more than a little cranky that, as the mom, it has apparently fallen to me -- still, at this old age -- to say, "This is not going to work." Really, it is fine that it will not work . . . other things are more important, and that is okay. But let's get real.

A cranky mom

Where the heck is everyone?

Gotta let you know . . . my enthusiasm for wanting to take everyone on a free trip to Hawaii wanes regularly . . . . I am just as busy as everyone else, and I am on this blog more than anyone. If a nearly-50-year-old woman with multiple gigs can do this, you electronically-plugged-in pups can certainly do it, too.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hana Relay Entry Info

All the info is up: (I don't think this is live/hot/whatever-it's-called link . . . could not get my screen to copy and paste it from the address.)

There are 18 legs. Shortest is 1.9 and longest is 3.5. Most are in the high 2s, or low 3s.

There is a 9 hour cutoff. Roughly, that means no legs should take longer than a half-hour (but we'll even out longer with shorter, of course). Log on to the site to see the mileage and description of each leg.

The earliest start time is 5:30 a.m., and the latest is 6:45 a.m.

Top finishing team from last year was in the 5+ hour range. Holy cow.

Food and music at the end of the line run from noon to 3 p.m.

I printed out the entry form and will send it to LHB with Clarke later this week for Meryl and Chris's signatures. Then, we need to get it to Erik.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday 5/16

Illustrative of yesterday's post . . . this is what a deadlift looks like at the top of the move.  You start on the ground, squated forward, and lift it right up your legs.  This is one of the TJ's Gym team members at last year's CrossFit games.  She's doing 30 reps of 135# as fast as possible.

This morning, Clarke and I ran at the lakes.  We did one lap of Lagunitas (1.75 miles) together, then he split off and did Bon Tempe (4.5 miles) while I did two more laps of Lagunitas without stopping.  So, 5.25 miles for me, and 6.25 miles for Clarke . . . and he still finished before I did. Damn the old man.

See y'all at the barbecue!!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

CrossFit Saturday Morning

Clarke and I went to CrossFit for the 9:00 a.m. class.   That is so fun!!!  

Lots of warmups working with a 20# dumbbell, practicing many different squats and lifts one-handed.  Then, a 400 m run.

WOD:  five rounds of a) 3 "bears" (see below); b) 200 m run; c) 12 deadlifts.

For the "bear," you clean a weightlifting bar (i.e., heave from the floor to your shoulders), then front squat down with the bar on your shoulders, then press the bar up over your head all the way, then place it on the backs of your shoulders and squat down that way, then lift back up all the way over your head.  Don't let the bar touch the ground any time, except for 1/2 second when you start the moves all over again for the clean.

Clarke started with 53#, did the full WOD, and then did the last round with another dude in solidarity, and did 73#.  I did it with 65#.

After class, we stayed for another 1/2 hour (we are the geek extra credit students) and Clarke did a 163# deadlift, as well as practicing his double-unders, wall balls, and jumped on the gigantic 24# box.  I did 10 x 3 sets of 95# deadlifts, with the bar strapped to the ground with enormous resistance rubber bands in a cool contraption.  Also, worked on ring dip, muscle-up and handstand technique.

Then we spent four hours this afternoon watching CrossFit friends and coaches compete in an Olympic weightlifting meet.  ("Olympic" signifying the styles of lift, not qualifying for the Olympics.)  Some chicks could fling 175# straight over their heads from the floor.  

We are geeks.  And we like it that way.

Chris and Meryl's No Good Very Bad Run

We couldn't run at Mills this morning because it's their graduation ceremony today (Nancy Pelosi is their commencement speaker, WAY better than our lame lady). So we ran at Joaquin Miller park and TRIED to find a good trail on a map. The one we ran sucked and was pretty dangerous (LOTS of rocks, and jumping over fallen logs). I was too pissed to keep running after we finished the loop (a little less than 1.5 miles). Chris ran for another 5-10 minutes.

Better luck Monday.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fight Gone Bad

That's the name of today's CrossFit workout.  (It is indeed geek-oriented, with many "WODs" ["workouts of the day"] having names.  Most are a boy's or a girl's name, however -- named after military folks killed on the job.)  

"FGB" is 60 seconds each of 1) 20" box jumps; 2) 55# push presses (a weight-lifting move); 3) rowing; 4) 14# wall balls; 5) 55# sumo deadlift high pulls (another weight-lifting move).  You count each rep that you do in the five minute total drill.  A great number is 100.  Then, you rest 60 seconds -- and do it all again another time, counting your reps.  Then, you rest 60 seconds -- then do it again for a third time.  If you make 300, you are fabulous.  

I got 229.  That's 11 points better than last time I did it, and I used a heavier medicine ball for the wall ball today.  

Then, stayed after to practice techniques on muscle ups, ring dips, and hand stands.  I can get a couple of seconds when I am completely off the wall now, "standing" on my hands unsupported and balanced.   

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More pics from CrossFit

No workout for me today - yay!  A rest day.  Which is great, because I'm pooped from yesterday's killer.  

Got home from Fairfax:  Clarke practicing his double-unders at home.

More photos from yesterday.  

This is our favorite trainer and gym-owner, Michael (the only human who was able to teach me to do a pull-up):

Here is Clarke doing box jumps on the 20" box, which is pretty darned fabulous for his second class ever doing box jumps as part of the workout.  The other dudes are on 24" boxes, and have been in Crossfit for way longer.

These are folks doing kettle bell swings.  Or watching me take a picture of them.  But see Clarke, second from the end?  With his perfect form?  And perfect focus on the activity at hand? That's how he rolls.  And he is 10 years older than the next oldest person in the class.

Meryl's Thursday

Ran Pine Top (backwards). Had a hard time (took me 19 minutes), but I did make it all the way up the death hill without stopping! Woo-hoo!

Didn't feel like I could do it two times in a row, so I ran 4 1/2 laps around the track (at least a mile, maybe a bit more) in 9:10.

When I pulled into Mills and said I was "running Pine Top." The security guard said, "Man girl, you in SHAPE, no one RUNS Pine Top. Good luck." Gave me a little pep to my step :)

CBH Wednesday

After the usual Crossfit warm-up (hard), we did the hardest work-out I've done to date:

12 Kettle bell swings(I used 35 lbs.)
6 Box Jumps (20 inch box)
3 burpees

We did these for 30 minutes. The theory was to try to do them on the minute, but soon you can only do them on the 2 minutes or 3 minutes. It is a killer. I did 13. But I did everyone of them correctly and never used a lower box or weight. Lots of people who got tired would go from Box Jumps to Step ups(hard, but not as hard). That means I did 156 Kettle bell swings, 78 box jumps and 13 burpees in 30 minutes.

CrossFit Date Night

Clarke and Tamara now go to CrossFit together on Wednesday nights.  These photos are of some of the fun.  The blood blister is on Tamara's hand, at the end of a monster workout day.  Clarke running with the medicine ball is just a part of his warm-up, before a hellacious workout.  

And here is a photo of our house of pain (before everyone gets there for class.)

Tamara did a 2 1/2 hour blitz, to see how she would have done if she had competed in the Masters' regional qualifier held last weekend.  Turns out, not  so very terrible -- would have come in 12th place on the first two WODs.  Third WOD, not there yet  . . . cannot do chest-to-bar pull-ups.

First WOD:  3 rounds of 50 double unders, 21 35# kettle bell swings, 12 pull-ups.  Must be done within 15 minute cut-off.  Tamara got to the last round of pull-ups by the cut-off.

Second WOD:  within 8 minutes, complete your heaviest thruster lift possible.  (Lifting the bar from the "deck" [ground], come down into a full front squat, then shoot up and lift the bar completely overhead until elbows lock out.)  Tamara got 100# (The heaviest weight in the weekend competition was 125.)

Third WOD:  as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats.  Tamara got 10 2/3 rounds.  (Tired-assed by this time . . . .)

Clarke's WOD with the 6:00 p.m. class was "on the minute" for 30 minutes, do 12 kettle bell swings, 6 20" box jumps, and 3 burpees.  "On the minute" means that if you finish all that in 60 seconds, you can rest until the next minute begins.  If/when you go past the first 60 seconds to complete that, then rest for the rest of the second minute you're using, and wait until the next time the full minute begins.  Clarke got 13 rounds.  He was kicking ass.  His form was awesome.  Lots of people were half-assing the burpees, and it was Clarke's first night on the 20" box.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tamara's Tuesday 5/11

Crazy-assed 75 minute yoga class.  Tied-in-knots poses.  Yesterday = rest day.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chris is Back on the Track

Chris and I just got back from an evening run together. We did two laps around the track as warm-up, then we each did our own speed work.

I ran 6 times around the soccer field - odd laps sprinting the length and jogging the widths, even laps sprinting the widths and jogging the lengths. It took me 11 1/2 minutes.

Chris ran around the track, doing maybe 4 laps (I wasn't paying super close attention to how many times he did it), jogging the first 3/4 of each lap, and running a slower sprint for the last 1/4. He ran my last lap around the soccer field with me.

Then we ran one lap as a cool down and stretched. Glad Chris is back!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Family Run!

Meryl, Tamara and Clarke were extremely responsible this Mother's Day morning and ran around Lake Lagunitas twice. According to Google pedometer, it's about a mile and three-quarters around. The first lap we did in 16:49 (adding a hill from the parking lot), and the second in 15:20. That was Tamara and Meryl. Clarke ran the two-time loop with no stopping, and went faster.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Parental Units' Saturday CrossFit

Warm-up: 400 meter run, then 10 push-ups, 15 med ball cleans and 25 jumping jacks-3 rounds. Then we worked on either Overhead squats or front squats. I did 5 rounds of three front squats with 65 lbs. Mom did 5 rounds of 3 overhead squats using various weights up to 58 lbs.

Then the work-out: 10 ring dips, 10 wall balls(throwing a 10lbs ball up 10 feet) and 10 hollow rocks, as many rounds as possible for 12 minutes. We both did 5 rounds.

New Shoes and Chris Update

Chris doesn't have pneumonia, so that's GREAT news. The doctor says his lungs sound clear, and that she thinks that because he had so much phlegm before and was coughing so much, that he likely aggravated his lungs, and so they're just trying to recuperate (and apparently that means more coughing). She gave him an inhaler like device to take, so hopefully that helps and he feels back to normal soon.

I went to Fleet Feet in Pleasant Hill last night. They have a cool program where you get to try out the shoes for 60 days to make sure they work for you. If you don't like them, you can bring them back and they can try different shoes, etc. Pretty cool. Mine were $109 with tax, which in the grand scheme of things really isn't too bad

I normally wear and 8 1/2, so I was shocked when she told me I should be wearing a 9 1/2 or 10! Apparently you get running shoes 1/2 a size or so bigger than normal. I always like to feel my feet on the ends of my shoes (I guess from having that with soccer cleats and just getting used to the feeling). They do feel very comfy though. I'll try them out tomorrow morning!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tamara's Friday 5/7

WOD with class at Tamalpais CrossFit: 8 reps of 70# front squats, then 100 m dash. Do it 5 times. That was a fun workout. We got to rest a few minutes in between rounds, which gives you time to recover and run fast again. It feels good to sprint flat out as fast as you can, which is something we rarely do in CrossFit, because usually it's just a grinding-it-out thing where you're slogging through and just trying not to cry or keel over.

After class, practiced ring dips (almost got one), muscle-up form, handstand push-ups (can almost do a handstand with feet off the wall); pull-ups. And did 5 sets of 3 shoulder presses, at 60#, 62#, 65#, 65#, 70#.

I Need New Shoes

It may be on my to do list today to go get better running shoes. I've been talking about this with CBH lately.

Since I've been running on trails and not on treadmills, my feet have been KILLING me, so bad now that it has spread up to my legs :(

Today I had planned on running Pine Top backwards twice in a row without stopping (I'm feeling better, I do think the crap feeling yesterday was a result of mowing the lawn the day before and the allergies having a delayed reaction). Halfway through I had to stop because my legs were cramping so bad I had to stretch. It was not fun. And at the end they hurt really bad again, so I didn't make it twice :( (once took me 19 minutes, including the stop).

I have been trying to think that shoes don't really matter and you can run in anything. There is that tribe in Mexico that will run like 100 miles in a row in BAREFEET so I was trying to think like that. I may have to succumb to technology however. Every body is different, and as we know by me getting knee surgery when I was 20, I have the body of a 60-year-old already.

CBH Keeps Trying

Double unders are rope jumps where the rope passes under your feet twice before your feet hit the ground. This is a standard Crossfit move and it is really hard. I can do one or two. Mom can easily do 10 or more without messing up. One real problem is when you don't quite make it the rope smacks you really hard because you are trying to get it under your feet. That rope hurts. Give it a try.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

CBH Tuesday and Wed.

I had to go to LA Tuesday, but in my room I worked on box jumps and push-ups. I am not counting this as a work-out. Wednesday night when I got back I did run 5 miles-that counts.

I Feel Like Crap

Casa Picardy is NOT doing well lately.

I was going to go for a run early this morning before the heating guys came to work on the furnace and I woke up feeling like SHIT. Body ache, stuffy nose, sore throat. I JUST got over being sick and Chris is STILL sick.

The plan is to run tomorrow morning. God damn body.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tamara's 5/3- 5/5

Monday = rest day

Tuesday = gnarly 90 minute yoga class

Wednesday = 1 hour personal training -- practicing handstand push-ups, ring dips, muscle-ups, and rop climbing, and weight-lifting technique.

Then, CrossFit class. Warm-up = 10 pull-ups, 400 m run, 5 slow push-ups, thrusters at 33#, 53#, 65#. WOD = 5 rounds of: 400 m run; 15 65# thrusters (65# barbell down to front squat, then stand up and shoot the bar up fully overhead); 10 pull-ups. 32 minutes, 10 seconds.

At the end of the workout in her last round of pull-ups, a girl doing jumping pull-ups feet slipped backward off the box, she fell totally forward off the box onto her wrist, and broke it. Bummer.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pine Top Twice, Woo-Hoo!

I just came back from my morning run.

I ran Pine Top forwards once, it took me 18 minutes.

I walked once around the track for a quick cool down.

Then I ran Pine Top the opposite direction (CBH thought this way might be easier). It took me 18 1/2 minutes, though I did have to stop for about 30 second on the VERY STEEP hill so I wouldn't die. The steep hill going the oppositie direction (now uphill) is TORTURE!

Pretty proud of myself.

I think Chris will be back to running on Saturday. He went to the doctor last week to get medicine because he's sort of plateaued as far as getting better from being sick.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I"ve been a baaaaaaad boy...

I haven't posted in ages and I have no real excuse. I spent all of last week working full days in my mom's yard, so no official workouts, but I can assure you that my forearms, lower back, gluts and thighs are certainly feeling it. Today I did a light run and then a series of exercises with my total body works machine (various resistance exercises with pulleys etc.). I'll be moving to LA in a couple of weeks so I hope to get into a more regimented routine once I'm down there.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

CBH Weekend

I did my first official cross-fit class Saturday morning. Warm-up included 20 burpees, 2 minutes jumping rope, standing broadjumps, squats and walking lunges. Then we practiced a move called a Turkish Get-Up. That involves laying down on your back holding a weight(I used 15 lbs) straight up. Keeping your arm straight and the weight always over your head, your Get Up. It is not easy. Then the actual work-out 6 Get-Ups(3 each side), 80 single rope jumps or 20 double unders(I can't do double unders yet) 10 pushups and 20 box jumps(it is what it says-you have a box in front of you and you jump up on to it and then jump down). Four rounds of that. It took me 21 minutes. I was last, but I did every move. No one there was over 50-most under 30.

This morning mom and I got up and went running-4 miles around Bon Tempe Lake.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tamara's Saturday 5/1 workout

Tamalpais CrossFit gym workout. I love that place! It makes me happy just to be there, even though I know I am going to feel like throwing up soon.

Warm-up: jumping rope, 10-pull-ups, various one-handed moves with 22# kettle bell, other stuff I can't remember now.

WOD: 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 sumo deadlifts at 95#, with 200 m run in between each number of reps. (So, 8 x 200 m runs.) Time: 13 minutes and change.

Clarke did his first CrossFit class right after that. I will let him post his own results.

Friday, April 30, 2010

CBH: Thursday

I ran a nice and easy 5 miler in hard wind. Saturday will be my first, official cross-fit class.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tamara's Thursday 4/29

Happy to be back working out at Tamalpais CrossFit.

Warm-up: 400 m run, 15 pull-ups, practice on ring dips, lots of skills work on components of clean & jerk.

WOD: 30 clean and jerks at 85#, for time. 7 minutes, 4 seconds.

Pine Top

Meryl was way too hard on herself for the Pine Top run. The course is tough because the footing sucks, there are some hairpin turns on the downhill that are almost impossible to run, and you cannot get into any running rhythm because of the constant terrain changes. Her pace was excellent the whole way.

I did not do an I-5 workout. Back to it tonight.

Silliest workout ever

On Interstate 5, south of Mt. Shasta. Yes, that is correct: actually ON I-5.

Driving home from Whidbey last night, Clarke and I got stuck in a huge traffic back-up. (A big rig dumped its load of lumber and blocked the road for hours.)

Twice, we were stopped completely in a gigantic line of cars -- with engines off, people getting out of their cars, etc.

After taking Gracie out to walk around and pee, it got really boring.

Then I remembered: Never fear! CrossFit is here! And I have my yoga mat!

In the space between my car and Clarke's rental huge Jeep, I did four rounds of 10 push-ups and 10 squats. Then, traffic began moving. Then, we were stopped again. So I hopped out and did six more rounds of each, and finished with 100 hollow-rocks (sort of sit-up like).

The completely obnoxious subtextual message of this post? Aside from illness/injury, there's really no good excuse for not working out.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meryl and CBH's run

Well, CBH made me feel like a lame ass when he said Pine Top was pretty normal. Damnit!

We ran the loop together in 17:34 (my fastest time), and CBH tried to convince me to run it twice in a row. That was not happening (I felt pretty pathetic). So I timed CBH who ran it again while I did my cool down.

CBH ran the second loop in 17:36 with two accidental wrong turns, so that probably added a minute. Conclusion: he did pretty awesome.

Meanwhile, Meryl was doing her lame ass cool down because I can't run very much (LAME!) and I was feeling particularly bad about myself, so I ran 5 laps around the track (a bit over 1 mile) in 9:40. Woo-hoo! That made me feel a bit better about myself.

I do feel pretty crappy though that Pine Top isn't too difficult and I have such a hard time with it considering I've been running for a while now. Oh well.

CBH and I thought that Pine Top would be an excellent relay simulator though and that when we do the family run in May we can run the first loop together, then take turns on the second one, as if we were really doing a relay. Then the next time we run it together I think it would be awesome if we could do three times.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome Resource

I talked with mom on the phone about this earlier today, and I used it this afternoon, it's AWESOME!

Just make sure you're in the MANUAL mode for drawing (not the two automatic ones) and then click start recording. Put the cursor on the map and double click to make points and the program figures out how far the run/walk/whatever is. AWESOME!

I found a map online of Pine Top trail and used this program and found out Pine Top is just about 2 miles (I think a bit over because my loop didn't get completed at the end - I couldn't figure out how to connect the two points)

(click to make it bigger if you want)

Super cool!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tamara's Sunday 4/25

3 mile run.  28 minutes.

Meryl's Sunday Morning

Just got back from my Sunday run. I ran Pine Top again. It took me 18 1/2 minutes. Pine Top ends at the soccer field/track, so I ran another 3 laps around that (maybe 2/3 of a mile) in another 6 minutes. I now feel like I am going to fall over. But I must take a shower and go work at the A's now.

Momma, I'm responding to your emails this evening when I get home, or tomorrow morning!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tamara's Saturday 4/24

Warm up of 20 squats, 20 sit-ups, 20 back-extensions, 20 sit-ups, 20 dips, 20 pull-ups.  Congratulations to me . . . first time I did unassisted dips . . . had been using a thin band.  Now all moves are strictly legit.

WOD:  18-to-6 "ladder" of 44# kettle bell swings and burpees . . . i.e., 18 KB swings, 18 burpees, 17 KB swings, 17 burpees  -- down through 6 of each.  Sounds easy.  It's not.   26 minutes, 58 seconds.  A crusher.  That is 156 of each move.  Try some burpees.  They will wear your ass out.

Then, tried to do my weight work after the WOD, which was a mistake.  I need to keep doing it the way I've been -- before the WOD.  Could only do two of the five shoulder press rounds, at 55#, because shoulders shot from all the burpees.  Did 5 x 5 back squats at 95#, 95#, 105#, 105#, 105#.

9:00 a.m. Sat.

My cross-fit workout on Monday really hurt for a couple of days. Then I had to go to LA. I ran 5 miles yesterday after work and then got my ass out of bed this morning and ran another 5. Now it's off to Tahoe for some hold'em with Erik-who I am pretty sure did not get his ass out of bed this morning to run 5 miles.

Meryl's Friday

Yesterday I ran Pine Top again, it took me 19 minutes. I'm hoping CBH comoes with us to run it on Monday so I can see what he thinks of it. I think it's hard, but I may be just a really big wuss.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tamara's Friday 4/23

4 mile Coupeville hill walk (3 miles with Lori and Jim; 1 mile with Gracie)

50 double-unders, 50 sit-ups, 40 double-unders, 40 sit-ups, 30 double-unders, 30 sit-ups, 20 double-unders, 20 sit-ups, 10 double-unders, 10 sit-ups.  10 minutes flat.

Workouts, people?  Mr. Erik?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For Charity?

What would you guys think about running for a charity? I know this race doesn't have that as a theme, but I thought it might be a kinda cool idea and we could pick whatever charity we wanted....

Tamara's Wednesday, 4/21

These are the sea stars at the end of the pier in Coupeville, at low tide.  A pod of orcas played out there for a half-hour last week (we missed them), and I have seen sea lions swimming around, too.  

Back at the gym . . . warm up of 20 squats, sit-ups, back-extensions, push-ups, dips, pull-ups.  Then, weight work of 5 sets of 5 shoulder presses at 60#, 55#, 55#, 60#, 60#, and 5 sets of 5 front squats at 95# for all five sets.  Then, WOD:  5 rounds of:  25 double-unders, 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 25 44# kettle bell swings.  25 minutes, 14 seconds.

Wednesday morning

Ran Pine Top again this morning. Still don't really know how long it is. Monday night it took me almost exactly 18 minutes, today it took me 19 1/2 (really windy).

I think I may run it again tomorrow morning, we shall see. Chris plans to get back on the work-out horse this weekend as he's still hacking really bad.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tamara's Tuesday, 4/20

Yoga class.

CBH at Cross-fit

This is a place that will teach you humility. After feeling really great about my recent half-marathon performance, it took less than a hour at Cross-fit to be reminded what a weak-ass I really am. The first part of the workout involved learning front-thrusters. You have a bar-bell with weight balanced on your collar bone and shoulders. Your elbows are supposed to stick-out in front and your wrists are bent back. Just standing hurts. You squat and then in one motion explode up and move the bar above your head. After practices with just the 35lb bar for a while, I then did them with 65lbs. I did them until my wrists couldn't take it any more. Maybe 20. Then the actual work-out. 200 meter row, 8 parallel bar push-ups(two pvc bars about 8-10 inches off the ground-you hold the plastic bar and dip your chest below your hands) 12 kettle bell swings, 4 rounds. The 200 meter row was easy, the kettle bell swings are harder, but I could do them. By the 3rd round I was doing no more than 2 push-ups at a time. By the 4th round, my arms simply would not work. It took about 8 minutes to get to failure. The good news is that you get so pissed you are determined to do better the next time. And the best part, no matter how good you get, the goal is to keep failing. Bring it on.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hey man....

...I was SICK. I'm still excited to run, and in fact I just got back from running Pine Top (which I was going to do TOMORROW but I saw that it was supposed to start raining tonight so I did it when I got home from work so I made sure I got it done). So, I don't want anyone saying I'm not enthusiastic. I was horrendously stuffed up and coughing for the last week, that's not really a very fun state to be running in. But I got back on the horse.


CBH Says

Yesterday I ran a hard 6-mile trail run. All the parts seem to have recovered from the “half” I ran last week. I do not intend to lose my base over the summer. I am getting a little concerned that the enthusiasm I saw on the Blog early on seems to be fading. Look, as the politicians say, you need to get ready. We are doing the Road to Hana for fun, but it won’t be any fun if your feet hurt or your legs go after the first leg. In May and June you should be running (or doing a major workout) 2-3 times a week, and be able to run 12-15 miles a week. By July-August, you need to be up to 20 miles/week (or the cardio equivalent). And, at least once a week you should be running something for speed that simulates our relay. You should have a day where you run three hard 2-mile runs with no more than 5 minute rests or two hard 3-mile runs. We are going to be running on hot asphalt. Your feet have to be ready and you need to be able to run in 80 degree weather. On the day of the race someone will have a cold or be hurting-you still need to be ready. Get used to running when you feel bad. I sent the deposit for the house. We need to buy plane tickets soon. So, let's see starting May 15 through June some consistent workouts (3 per week) so we don't have to consider any alternatives. We don’t have to win, but we have to finish strong.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mom's Sunday

3.8 mile hill run  38 minutes

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mom's Friday

warm-up: 20 squats, back-extensions, sit-ups, push-ups, dips, pull-ups

weight work: 5 x 5 shoulder presses 55#, 55#, 60#, 60#, 60#; 5 x 5 back squats 95#, 105#, 105#, 110#, 110#

workout: 500 meter row, then rest 3 minutes. Four rounds. Times: 2:06, 2:02, 2:05, 2:09

Thursday, April 15, 2010

CBH Can Still Run

I ran and easy 5 miles Wed. after work. My feet hurt a little, but otherwise pretty smooth.

Mom's Thursday

50 double-unders and sit-ups; 40 double-unders and sit-ups; 30 double-unders and sit-ups; 20 double-unders and sit-ups; 10 double-unders and sit-ups. 10 minutes, 15 seconds. Feeling like shit since yesterday afternoon. Now I'm going to yoga.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chris and Meryl's Lack of Work-Outs

Since I've gotten back from my Bean on the Road trip with momma I've been sick, so I haven't been working out. NOW, Chris is sick, so he hasn't been working out either.

Hopefully we'll get back on track this weekend or early next week. Like Clarke, Chris and I intend to run 3 days a week, with one day constituting spped work as well.

Maybe next week I'll have news on how this is actually going....

Wednesday for CBH

Monday and Tuesday were rest and recovery days from the race. Today I will run an easy 5 miles to stretch and determine my condition. I intend to start serious cross-fit next week. I am hoping to run 2-3 days per week and cross-fit 2 days as my training for the relay. At least one of my running days will be speed work. I believe that was a big part of my improvement on time. I am going to focus on improving my mile and 2-mile times and run 15-20 miles/week.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday workout at Mt. Baker CrossFit

Warm-up: 20 squats, sit-ups, back-extensions, push-ups, dips, pull-ups

Weight work: 5 x 5 shoulder presses 55#, 55#, 60#, 60#, 60#
5 x 5 front squats 95# all sets

Workout: 200 m run; 20 pull-ups; 400 m run; 40 44# kettle bell swings; 600 m run; 60 dumbbell push-ups (like those "perfect pushups" things); 800 m run; 80 walking lunges with 15# weight held overhead. 29:05

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday's Race

My half-marathon went very well. A personal best for me at 1:46-that's a pace of 8:06/mile. I was only 100th out of 400 guys, but given my time I really can't complain. I was 7th in the 55-60 group. Next goal, under 8's. Also, no pain, no problems during the run. I attribute that to my intro to cross-fit and an increase in core strength-and post run ice baths. They suck and they really work. Between now and Hana I will focus on speed work and real cross-fit workouts.