Clarke and Tamara now go to CrossFit together on Wednesday nights. These photos are of some of the fun. The blood blister is on Tamara's hand, at the end of a monster workout day. Clarke running with the medicine ball is just a part of his warm-up, before a hellacious workout.
And here is a photo of our house of pain (before everyone gets there for class.)
Tamara did a 2 1/2 hour blitz, to see how she would have done if she had competed in the Masters' regional qualifier held last weekend. Turns out, not so very terrible -- would have come in 12th place on the first two WODs. Third WOD, not there yet . . . cannot do chest-to-bar pull-ups.
First WOD: 3 rounds of 50 double unders, 21 35# kettle bell swings, 12 pull-ups. Must be done within 15 minute cut-off. Tamara got to the last round of pull-ups by the cut-off.
Second WOD: within 8 minutes, complete your heaviest thruster lift possible. (Lifting the bar from the "deck" [ground], come down into a full front squat, then shoot up and lift the bar completely overhead until elbows lock out.) Tamara got 100# (The heaviest weight in the weekend competition was 125.)
Third WOD: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Tamara got 10 2/3 rounds. (Tired-assed by this time . . . .)
Clarke's WOD with the 6:00 p.m. class was "on the minute" for 30 minutes, do 12 kettle bell swings, 6 20" box jumps, and 3 burpees. "On the minute" means that if you finish all that in 60 seconds, you can rest until the next minute begins. If/when you go past the first 60 seconds to complete that, then rest for the rest of the second minute you're using, and wait until the next time the full minute begins. Clarke got 13 rounds. He was kicking ass. His form was awesome. Lots of people were half-assing the burpees, and it was Clarke's first night on the 20" box.
PICTURES! And speaking of that: is CBH wearing mom's shorts?
good job momma!
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