Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Feel Like Crap

Casa Picardy is NOT doing well lately.

I was going to go for a run early this morning before the heating guys came to work on the furnace and I woke up feeling like SHIT. Body ache, stuffy nose, sore throat. I JUST got over being sick and Chris is STILL sick.

The plan is to run tomorrow morning. God damn body.


Tamara said...

So sorry, Meryl. Feel better. Don't stop running. You've gotten up to great mileage. Run a little bit tomorrow.

meryl rose said...

I think I may run Pine Top in the morning and do a few laps around the field after.

meryl rose said...

An update on Chris: he might have PNEUMONIA!!!! He's not feeling any better and his doc thought he might have it. He went in to get his chest x-rayed today, and he'll visit the doc tomorrow.

Tamara said...

Holy crap. Thinking of you, Chris-- and "even" if you don't have pneumonia, I am sorry you have been feeling bad for this long. Totally draining. Let us know the results ASAP.

meryl rose said...

the x-ray tech didn't think so when he was looking at the x-rays, and hopefully the doc will have the same news. If it's not pneumonia, I hope she can tell him/give him something to make it better. About once every 30 minutes he coughs so bad he gasps for air and everytime I feel like he's about to die. It's not fun. For either of us.