"FGB" is 60 seconds each of 1) 20" box jumps; 2) 55# push presses (a weight-lifting move); 3) rowing; 4) 14# wall balls; 5) 55# sumo deadlift high pulls (another weight-lifting move). You count each rep that you do in the five minute total drill. A great number is 100. Then, you rest 60 seconds -- and do it all again another time, counting your reps. Then, you rest 60 seconds -- then do it again for a third time. If you make 300, you are fabulous.
I got 229. That's 11 points better than last time I did it, and I used a heavier medicine ball for the wall ball today.
Then, stayed after to practice techniques on muscle ups, ring dips, and hand stands. I can get a couple of seconds when I am completely off the wall now, "standing" on my hands unsupported and balanced.
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