Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Exciting news. With the exception of Erik's air from LA, all tickets to Maui have been purschased. The car, the house, everything is ready. Are your legs? Less than 40 days to go.

Yesterday's Crossfit was a bitch. The warm-up was hard enough, including several minutes of jump rope, several 200 meter runs, walking lunges. The the work-out.

9 front squats-I used 75 lbs, Mom did 85lbs(bar bell on your front shoulders, squat so your butt goes below your knees, back up to stand).

9 box jumps(I did a 24" box, Mom a 20#)

9 Kettle Bell Swings(I used 44lbs, Mom did 35lbs-a kettle bell is a round weight with a handle. Hold on with both hands, feet and knees apart. You stand, holding the bell between your legs. You swing it up until your arms and hands are straight up over your head-yes the 44lbs bell is now right over your head-and then arc it back down between your legs)

You do this 9 rounds. Yep 81 of each. It took me over 25 minutes.

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