Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've been busy, but still hard at work. I ran around the lake(4.5 miles) on 5/28, did a crossfit work out Sat. the 29th that was a killer-50 minutes of solid weights, jumping and rowing. Sunday I ran 4 miles. Monday I went to Cross-fit again and had another long bitch work-out. Tuesday was my argument at the Ca. Supreme Court and I was back at Cross-fit Wed. doing the normal warm-up and then three rounds of 400 meter row and 12 front squats with 95 lbs. Front squats are very tough. It is not like doing them on a weight machine that controls where the weight is going. Free weights are a very different problem. Get ready for our 5K on 6/20.

1 comment:

meryl rose said...

you're such a slacker
