Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crossfit Wed.

I did a fairly normal Crossfit yesterday, starting with jump rope warm-ups. Then we worked on the split jerk. This is part of the clean and jerk move. You start with the bar on a rack at shoulder level. You move the bar up and simultaneously drop your body under the bar, splitting your legs front and back. Your back knee almost touches the ground. The bar is overhead with straight arms and then you finish by moving your legs to a straight position still holding the bar overhead. We worked on that for 30 minutes increasing weight until failure. I had never done the move. It takes some coordination. I was able to get up to 115 pounds. Then the actual workout. Squat thrusters(45 lb bar) front squat then up raising the bar overhead. You do as many as possible in 20 seconds, rest ten seconds and repeat that 8 times. Then you do the same approach to "hollow rocks." You lay on your back with arms and legs/shoulders off the floor rocking back and forth. You tummy burns.

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