Wednesday, March 31, 2010

tuesday/wednesday for E

I finished up the craziness that was the college policy debate national championships and resumed activity Tuesday. This on-and-off stuff is making things difficult, but I should be able to ease into a more regulated schedule this week, so I'm excited to monitor that progress. Over the last two days:

3.5 miles running
1 mile walking
40 yard sprints on grass - 20 legs
60 pushups
20 pullups
20lb dumbell curls - 4x10
30lb kettle bell swings - 3x10
55lb barbell squats - 3x15,12,10
calf raises - 100ish
swiss ball crunches - 100

I'm hoping to ramp things up soon (particularly the lengths of my runs)


meryl rose said...

I'm impressed with all the pull-ups that are going on. I tried to do one hanging from the trusses in the garage. Not successful.

Unknown said...

nate and I have a bar in the doorway of our bathroom, so I try to just do a few every time I use the John