Sunday, March 21, 2010

Half of a Hana Day

We figured we'd try a mini-relay-simulation. So, today we did TWO runs. 3.4 miles each. Rested three hours in between.

The results: oddly, the second run was not as bad as the first. But the idea of having to do three or four legs, instead of just two? Oy, vey.

This will be commitment, guys. A long day, and a lot of running.

Clarke: 1st run = 30 minutes; 2nd run = 29 minutes (GOOD JOB, faster on the second!!! Also, props to Clarke for logging 30 total miles this week.)

Tamara: 34 minutes for each run.


meryl rose said...

good job!!! I think mini relay ideas are a really good idea! Maybe when you come home from Whidbey we can do a few around the lake? Like, go on a run, have breakfast, wait a while, go on another run?

Tamara said...

Yes. Exactly. We need to. As the night goes on, both Clarke's and my legs are screaming, "THIS WAS BRUTAL!" (They were very hilly runs.) And I am chafed in places one must not mention.