Wednesday, March 24, 2010

E's last two days

After spending 4 fun-filled nights in New Orleans, I'm in need of a serious detox regimen. I did, however, try dragging my pathetic ass outside for brief periods yesterday and today so I could get a little something in before I judge a college debate tournament starting tomorrow. Combined action from yesterday and today include:

3 miles of running
40 pushups
25 pullups
6 sets of 10 - 20pound dumbell curls
3 sets of 8 - 55pound barbell curls
3 sets of 10 - 30 pound kettle bell swings
75 swiss ball crunches
a lot of calf raises and incline squats with resistance on my total bodyworks machine
a serious amount of stretching

For some reason, beginning my run with the classic Phillip Bailey and Phil Collins track "Easy Lover" has really been working for me.


Tamara said...

That is indeed an excellent song.

Hope NOLA was fun.

Hope you read the congratulatory comment on GRAD SCHOOL (!!!!!) below.

CBH said...

That work out is pretty impressive. Especially the pull-ups and push-ups. I am only now beginning to understand how hard they are.