Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Meryl & Chris Tuesday

Ran three laps around the track to warm up.

Then we did some running uphill. There's this long STEEP hill that's probably a bit over 100m and we'd run a bit slower than a sprint, but pretty much as hard as we could, and then walk down. As soon as we got to the bottom we ran up it again.

Meryl: 10 times

Chris: 7 times, and then some running around the track while I finished.

I wasn't super tired at the end, I had caught my breath each time by the time I got to the bottom, but nearly every time past 5 my legs felt like they were about to give out at the end, and now they feel like jelly.

Pretty good workout.


CBH said...

Excellent-speed and hill work at the same time. Now combine them. Do 2 Pine Tops and then 10 hill sprints.

meryl rose said...

I think if I did that, I may die. I was going to try and do 6 miles tomorrow, but maybe I'll do that.